Agni literally meaning "FIRE" ,is one of the five elements of our body/existence. In Ayurveda Agni is given prime importance as the essential force of life. There are 13 types of agni. They are 7 Dhatuvagnis,5 Mahabhutagnis,and the most essential agni i.e JATARAGNI which is responsible for our digestion and metabolism.
Ayurveda considers the jataaragni as sarva sreshta agni as the AYU (Life) ,VARNA (Complexion),BALA (Power),UTSAHA( Energy/Exitement),CHAYAPACHAYA (Metabolism/correct digestion) and OJHUS (Ashta dhatu/saptha dhatu sara/vital force of prana) depends on it. 
When all the three doshas are in equillubrium,the digestion of food will be perfect in all respects and that state is known as "SAMAGNI".But when doshas get aggravated or increased they bring about their own characteristic changes in the digestive activity.
According to doshic predominance there are three types of agni i.e 
Vata increases - VISHAMAGNI- Irregular digestion
Pitta increases - TEEKSHNAGNI - Intensive digestion
Kapha increases - MANDAGNI - Inadequate digestion 
All these types of agni gives rise to many health issues which can be easily tackled by correcting the causitive doshas.
"SHANTE AGNOUV MRIYATE" This sentence in ayurveda makes it very clear to us that if there is no digestive fire then we are considered as dead. it also states that weak digestive fire leads to toxins in body hampering agni.
these toxins are known as AAMA in ayurveda. 
1.Eat only when hungry.
2.Eat only upto hunger.(50% solids,25% liquids and 25% gases)
3.Try to eat only 2 times a day. i.e. 3hrs after sunrise and before sunset.
4.Best digestive appetiser is ginger mixed with rock salt or saindhava lavana and rice boiled water with asafoetida.
5.Sarva shreshta medicine for JATARAGNI is GHEE.
6.Jeera water is again considered to be the best digestive appetiser.
7.Don't drink water just after food . Take it 1 hr after or before food.
8.Some famous yoga tips can also make the jataragni strong like 
Kapalbhati pranayama
Anulom-Vilom pranayama
Surya namaskar  etc
9.Many internal medicines in ayurveda is specially given to initiate agni like chitrakadi vati, vaiswanara choornam ,kumaryasavam etc
10.There are enormous treatments in ayurveda which helps to make our digestive fire stronger . the most popular one is the PANCHAKARMA treatment.

JANAKI MADHAVAM AYURVEDA  experts deals with agni and its importance in the role of health and disease in a wide way.any quieries about agni and how to tackle ur digestion please contact http://janakimadhavamayurvedic.com/