Human Body

Body is the temple where God resides. So keeping body healthy makes one reach God or enjoy the worldly pleaures depending on the goal. Body has its own intelligence to function properly provided we allow it to do so. So, how do we keep the body healthy to function properly to its maximum? Not a big thing, body only needs  little food,water and air to function properly. Now you may be thiking there are some people in the world who doesn't eat for days. This can be only practical if ones knows the secrets of body and mind functioning. Say for example if you have a car and you know only driving and you don't know the mechanism of car.One day car doesn't start, so, you call a mechanic for car service. Likewise we always run to a doctor when body malfunctions. Suppose if you know how the body and mind functions to core then you are the doctor for yourself. Mostly people who are busy with other things cannot tolerate when body malfunctions and will not try to understand whats going wrong in their body. So for these people there are basic yoga, exercises, martial arts and many other techniques to keep body and mind to be healthy. In the above practices mentioned we just follow some rules for some days and tbe body and mind gets back to its proper functioning. Even if one has the best food for the body, sometimes body may not function properly, that is because mind also plays a vital role in functioning of the body. It is through mind that brain sends various signals and secretions to body to function nessesary activities. So try to keep mind happy. To understand this, on some day you are stressed out or for some reason you are in sorrow, what happens is ,ur digestion gets slow down and in turn hunger will be delayed and when hunger is not on proper time , it leads to gas and other digestive issues. This is  one case , there are lot other things which may bring body down. As Charaka says "kaala bhojanam arogya karanaanaam" timely intake of food is the best among those which promote good health. In hinduism (I am not mentioning a religion here) people follow a life style from day to night and these people never do a extra steps (like yoga, exercise..) for their health. They follow some rules that is to be followed from day to night and inturn the body was quite in good health.Today also most people follow these rules without knowing why are they doing so. Say for example, one rule is sitting down with crossed leg for having food make the body  ready for doing digestive functions. As of now keep body and mind healthy and peaceful.

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