Super natural fruit of Ayurveda


One fruit which gives you ever lasting immunity when you have it daily is Amalaki. Generally known as amla or gooseberry. 

Thousands of benefits and uses of  this super natural fruit.  Few are discussed here.
Water boiled with amalaki ,if taken daily will glorify your skin improving your skin texture and shine your personality.

Raw gooseberry without seed is taken around 6gm and 100ml of milk is boiled together and if taken twice a day will reduce aging,boosts immunity,good for digestive aids and will refresh your day .

Gooseberry paste if applied over lower abdomen will improve urine retention problem and internally will help in urinary tract infections.

Amalaki ,one of the keen ingredient of triphala is used for many other diseases and acts as one of the best medicine in Ayurveda.

Amalaki which is known to have the best vit c and vit a is very good to improve eyesight and good for low heamoglobin levels.

Amalaki candy a day keeps us free from exhaustion. So very helpful in academic field and also for all those students who are physically and mentally weak.

Amalaki juice mixed with Guduchi juice 10ml each can be taken along with 1gm turmeric daily to improve metabolism and good to reduce diabetes.

Generally known as lavana varjitha pancha rasa dravya in Ayurveda i.e.contains all five tastes i.e.    (sweet,sour,pungent,bitter,astringent) except salt taste , amalaki is known as the best immune modulator and has anti ageing property hence used in many preparations as main ingredient .eg- Chyavanaprasha etc.

The decoction of amalaki is used to wash the head for proper growth and nourishment of hairs. It helps in cooling and relaxing the brain cells which in turn helps to increase our memory and improve our brain functions.
Many more as a fruit which heals us naturally . It is one of the amazing tree on earth and considered as best medicine of Ayurveda.